The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the premier annual international meeting for technologists involved in all aspects of microwave theory and practice. It consists of a full week of events, including technical paper presentations, workshops, and tutorials, as well as numerous social events and networking opportunities. The symposium also hosts a large commercial exhibition. Co-located with IMS are the IEEE RFIC, IMBioC and ARFTG conferences.
What’s Happening at IMS2018
IMS Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition
A 5G Summit showcasing next-generation wireless technologies
RF Boot Camp – a three-quarter day course on RF/microwave basics
IMS Industry Workshops for exhibitors to present the technology behind their products
Networking Events including Young Professionals, Amateur Radios and Women in Microwaves events
Student Design, Student Paper, Industry Paper, and Advanced Practice Paper Competitions
Project Connect for under-represented minority engineering students, and the PhD Student Initiative for new PhD students
Career Counseling Fair for registered students